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Bermuda by Clipper

Bermuda by Clipper

Year: 1949

Artist: Boris Artzybasheff (1899-1965)

Dimensions: 42 x 28 and 16 x 12

Method: Lithograph


Notable sales:

Poster Auctions Intl, Jul 2021, $6,500

eBay,  apr 2017, $3,500



One of the most strikingly beautiful and collectible of Pan Am's posters.


From Poster Auction International (July 2021):


“In 1939, Pan Am began to offer flights to Europe via Bermuda—but after the war, England was reluctant to host American flights to their territories, at least not until the British had their own planes to travel there first. In 1945, the American and British governments met in Bermuda for negotiations, resulting in the Bermuda Agreement, which set the precedent for about 3,000 other international agreements regarding air travel. Once that was settled, Pan Am launched their round-the-world trips on the Lockheed 749 Constellation. Artzybasheff created this stylized and seductive design to lure travelers to the newly available islands of Bermuda.”


This poster is one of over 30 that were produced as 16 x 12 miniatures for counter top display. 

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